

Metabolic Testing


Metabolic Testing is for cyclists, runners, swimmers, and triathletes of all levels who want to train more effectively, reach a goal, and have more fun. Learn how to train smarter and get faster with the abundance of information you will gain from this test.

This is a 1-1.5 hour assessment that evaluates your ability to use fat and carbohydrate for energy at various intensities. Measurements include body composition, blood lactate, VO2max, lactate threshold, and others. You will get a detailed description of your results, training tips, and a fueling plan for your target event.

Nutrition Consult


With a 1-hour initial consult, we will take a deep dive into all things influencing your health, performance, and body composition (i.e. your eating habits, exercise routine, sleep, stress, and other lifestyle habits). You will get a nutrition plan including macronutrient goals, meal suggestions, recipes, and much more. The main thing is we Keep It Simple.

Consults are over the phone or in person if you are local to Birmingham.